How To Cut A Tight Curve In Stained Glass
This technique works with tight curves.
These are pieces of glass where the curve is radical enough that the tips of the glass break off using conventional methods.
These are pieces of glass where the curve is radical enough that the tips of the glass break off using conventional methods.
The idea is to take several small cuts so that the entire piece isn't being taken out all at once.
Start by scoring the glass on the inside of the curve, just like you would do on an easy curve.
Then score the glass several more times so that there are several scores inside the curve.
Using two pairs of grozing pliers, hold the glass you want to keep firmly with one plier and grip the outermost piece of glass with the other plier.
Rock your pliers down and out slightly. Don't try to crush the glass, just put pressure on the pliers, pulling the pieces down and out and wait for the glass to give way.
Then go to the next small piece of glass and break it out using the same method.
Keep whittling away until all the glass pieces are removed.
Finally, you'll have a tight curve that can be ground to fit in your window. And no broken tips!